Monday, April 11, 2011

How To Become A Better Blogger / Start Blogging !! Part 4 v2

Howdy readers !!

This is the version 2 of part 4 of how to become a better blogger. Now marketing is a vast subject so it wont get over in just version 1 or 2 so we will continue util we cover most of the part of marketing the blog.

Now you can have a look at my previous post which was part 4 version 1. Now lets get started with version 2, In this part we will mostly see how to promote your blog to social networking communities. Who in this world doesn't know what social networking sites are. Right ?? there are more than 500 million users on facebook, 300 million + in myspace and many other social networking sites including youtube which has the even higher number than we can imagine.

Let get started with it right away.

Facebook, Myspace, Orkut, Hifi, Friendster, ETC

Now promoting on social networking site will be the easiest way  right, yaa it is seriously. Create an account which you might already have. Add as many friends as possible let say Add a close to 300 friends and ask them to visit your blog. Create a fan page and ask you friends to join the page. Even if half of them join in let say out of 300, 200 like your page, then your page is going to spread like virus and more and more connected people will join in and you will start to get inormous traffic to your blog. 

Join different groups which is related to your niche, or somewhat related to your blog them or articles.
Join bloggers groups and start promoting your site there, start discussion and you will get followers.
Use networkedblogs on facebook has more than 1 million users and it is specially for bloggrs.

Youtube :- 

You tube can be quite effective to drive good amount of traffic though its little difficult but once you get started in youtube you will have a huge amount of potential visitors to your blog.
Create a video of your site with a video creator software (google it you will find a lot of them.), 
Upload it on youtube, share it with your social networking friends and start getting views to your video. once it gets viral you will start getting thousand and thousands of visitors daily.

Now try this and let me know the result.
Next part will be part 4 version 3 with the great info and a good software to submit your site to unlimited number of directories with page rank 5 and 6. 



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