Howdy Readers !
Let me show you how to add a cool signature below ever blogpost. Its like a trade mark that your blogpost is registered to you. This trick is useful for bloggers who want to create a signature for his blog, so his blog will has a uniqueness. Uniqueness always attracts more visitors. Now dont worry it wont be that difficult. If you ask me this would be more easier than any other blogging widgets implementation.
Follow this steps as usual :
1. Go to My Live Signature
2. Then click "Click Here To Start"
3. After that, you can choose "Using the signature creation wizard"
4. Now, enter your name, if finished, click "Next Step"
5. Then, select your font and your size.
6. Next, you can choose the colour and the background of your signature.
7. After that, you can set your signature slope
8. Finish! Now you must click "Want to use this signature?"
9. Now, you can click "Generate HTML code", then choose "Generate a code for my handwritten signature"
10. After that, you will get the code.
2. Then click "Click Here To Start"
3. After that, you can choose "Using the signature creation wizard"
4. Now, enter your name, if finished, click "Next Step"
5. Then, select your font and your size.
6. Next, you can choose the colour and the background of your signature.
7. After that, you can set your signature slope
8. Finish! Now you must click "Want to use this signature?"
9. Now, you can click "Generate HTML code", then choose "Generate a code for my handwritten signature"
10. After that, you will get the code.
Go to Blogger account go to Settings --> Formatting. And find "Post Template" (at the bottom), you can put the signature's code in the box. And your signature will appear automatically when you create a post.
Hola! You have a great signature for yourself.
Enjoy it
Thanks for posting all these steps to add a signature below every post. I will do follow the link to design my own signature. The whole process is seeming to me easy to execute.
digital signatures
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